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Articles and books


Fixing new energy generation plants process strategy (Maintenance Engineering and software as the core)

Any new clean energy or greener fuel generation plant need to graze perfection. As a commodity factory dealing with a very sensitive subject, must perform value creation evidence along operation.…

The Intelligent Manufacturing Execution System (I-MES) Captor® + Prisma®

It is an strategic sofware piece for the cyber factory. Traditional MES are more operative systems filling the gap between the MRP-2 and the real-time that imperates in the shop…

New business: Models for durable-engineered products

A vintage model of robust-durable comprehensible products.

Product engineering for the Cyber Factory

Cyber factorys and the products they produce must go hand by hand, but not in a sense of superficial thinking as a “full intelligent” or sophisticated marriage.

Company policy and strategy alignement in the Cyber-Factory (Project Management)

This is not a problem that can be effectively managed by redesigning the PMS itself; is something deeper, is human’s nature aversion to handle lots of dutys at the same…

Applying TPM in the Cyber Factory

These smart-elegant factors are extremely infrequent in the tradicional manufacturing, even taking one by one, not to say considering all of them as a synergistic system (what really gives its…


Whenever you think starting a new factory or fabrication, cyber or not, and specially in these troubled times, cost fixing places the last. Sequences: 1-Design Value generation strategy, 2-Detail supremes…

¡Industria ahora!

En tiempos normales prudencia y cobardía se confunden, y agresividad y valentía también. La trivialidad lo permite. Pero hoy estamos en conflicto. Tienen algo bueno las guerras: Crean ilusión y…

Propagation of good (or bad) practices in the digital factory FoF

First What have of different GP (good practices) in the FOF from the traditional factory ones? : Basically that their dependence on intelligent IT made them prone to both much…


En una situación excepcional como esta, las personas tienden a extremos de desmoralización o empuje, pero siempre necesitan todas las cosas útiles que les recuerdan que hay que seguir creando…

Ecología Corporativizada. La Fábrica del Futuro es una Oportunidad

¿Nos estamos tomando en serio la Ecología? ¿Es siquiera una restricción técnica crítica para la optimización de la fabricación? A la segunda, ingenua o interesadamente, le llamamos “Ecología Corporativizada”, lo…

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